Saturday, October 1, 2011

My First Award


I am a newbie to blogging and I am very honored to receive my first award! A big thanks to Patti, at  I have been inspired by all the blogs that I started following this past summer and I want to do the same for other teachers!
I hope to pay it forward by posting 15 more blog sites. Like Patti said, it is so hard to pick just 15, but now I get the chance to pick 15 more. Following are the Award Rules:

*Share 7 things about yourself.
*Pass this award along to 15 recently discovered blogs.

1. I love fourth grade!  After 19 years in third grade I feel like a brand new teacher!
2. My favorite time of the year is fall.  I love going back to school, foliage, and pumpkin flavored coffee! 
3. I love to eat out, lately it has been for seafood.
4. I love musicals, especially when my girls are in them.
5. I love to shop at The Loft
6. I love to read to my students!  There is nothing better than having them begging for more.
7. I  become easily obsessed with things.  Right now it is Pinterest!

My 15 blog site picks:

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