Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Another One Bites the Dust Linky Party

I can say that I am very jealous that many people are almost done with school.  I have six weeks left and still have many things to teach (get in) before June 21st.  On the flip side, you will be going back way before me and I can get motivated with all your early back to school blogging ideas!

The Great: 

1.  Reading-  I read The Daily Five, The CAFE, The Book Whisperer and Strategies That Work.  They changed my whole reading philosophy and I loved the impact that it had on my children's motivation for reading.  I will continue this for next year!

2. Blogging-  I found Pinterest last summer by accident and became hooked.  That in turn, led me to some amazing blogs.  Which hooked me into blogging.  I have become so motivated by many bloggers and I am very excited to continue this journey!

3.  New Grade Level- I have always loved third grade but jumped at the chance of moving up to fourth grade when our school was looking for volunteers.  I feel like a brand new teacher and have enjoyed every minute of it!  I also have the best class that I have had in 20 years! Could it be the change in my reading, could it be my new ideas from blogging or is it that I have a new found energy???


1.  Math Journaling- I discovered math journals during the middle of the year and decided to give them a try anyways.  I love them and better yet, so do the kids!  The problem is that I would like
them to be more organized and planned out!  This project is on my summer bucket list.

2.  New Curriculum and Another New Curriculum- I have had to adapt to a new grade level this year.  I have started purchasing books and materials to supplement what I am now teaching.  My school system and the state are transitioning to the Common Core and that means some of the curriculum will be changing...again!  At least, it is for the best!

3.  Empty Nest-  My baby got her license in August and she will be graduating next year!  That has given me me a lot of time for myself but it took twenty years to get to this point!    I sympathize with teachers who have children that need to be picked up after school, driven to sports and lessons, etc.  Then go home, cook dinner  and supervise homework.  Being a mom needs to come first!  If you are struggling with this someday it will get better...until then, do the best you can!



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