Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tips for Closing up your Classroom

I wanted to do some tweaking of my classroom for next year.  We get out June 21st but I like to start cleaning and organizing a little each day.  Don't wait until your last week of school because you won't want to clean then, you just want to get out!  There is so much to do at the beginning of school and it is awesome to come back to an organized room.

Here is what I have been working on...

1.  Start cleaning early...I choose a wall or section to clean and organize every day.  It takes me about 6 days to do this.  Try to weed things out as you go.  I moved grades this year and want to weed materials that I didn't use.
2.  I rearranged my room last week so my book corner is larger and the books are more accessible.  I went through my bins and made sure that everything is in its place.  I am making more bin labels as one of my summer projects.  I use old sheets to cover up the bins on counters and cover up movable bookcases with paper.  I want more reading nooks in my room for Daily Five.  I still want to get a few bean bags, a rocking chair or two, and maybe a sling chair.

3.  Keep a Back to School Folder.  I work summer camp for three weeks and I try to get my copying done then.  I will bring the folder home and organize it as a summer project.  I keep all my opening activities, housekeeping sheets and first units in my subjects.

4.  Draw a layout or take pictures of your room before you pack up.  I put my pictures on the front board so the custodians put my furniture back in place.  It isn't always perfect but it helps.

5.  Get your September bulletin boards ready now.  Cover them up for the summer with paper.  I love fadeless black paper and it lasts forever!!! (I only change it when needed)  I use boards that don't change much during the year; calendar, CAFE, reading themes, Postcards from United States and a Science Board.

6.  Create a List of Summer Projects and write them down!  I have started gathering materials and books that I will need this summer.  I put them in a bin so they will make it home.  I actually joined this Linky Party to get me started.

7.  Pile up your Summer Reading!  I try to balance the professional resources and some books for my personal pleasure.

What do you do to close up your room 
that will help out in the Fall?


  1. Thanks for these reminders! I am getting ready to start putting things away, so I needed this. :)

    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  2. Kelly!

    What great tips!! Our last day is June 20th, so I am on the same page as you!! I am trying to organize a little each day and especially focus on getting rid of things that I didn't even touch this year!! And I have a summer bucket list a mile long! I definitely need to make sure to keep all of my beginning of the year stuff out and ready for the fall!

    Lessons with Laughter

  3. Great Ideas! I have to clean off all of my shelves if I want the floors waxed underneath. Also, I have my students help with a lot of things. They love to pull staples, sort through files, and organize. They also help me remember what I have used and what I haven't.

    My tip is when I am going through things, I make a pile of things I don't want anymore. I then draw names for them to come and pick. It is like a treasure box, but more educational lol! My kids were excited to take things home to play school over the summer. Also gave up all of my inside recess games since we never have time to use them anymore.

    Check out my new blog- I am giving away a $25 gc to Target to celebrate!

  4. Thank you so much! Today was the student's last day and I am starting to pile up everything I need this summer. I feel like my summer list is getting longer and longer for things I want to create (especially when I browse other blogs and pinterest, lol). Love your blog by the way and I awarded you the One Lovely Blog Award :o) If you check out my blog it tells you how to recieve your award and pass it on. Thank you again!


  5. Great tips! I'm always frantically trying to get things in order at the end of the year, so I've pinned this for next year!
    Stories From Second


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