Thursday, August 2, 2012

Lunch Choice Chart

I am tired of dealing with clothespins on my lunch charts...never enough room, clothespins breaking, clothespins not fitting, etc.

I looked online and on Pinterest looking for ideas and did not find anything to meet my needs.  I designed one board on a metal picture frame and even painted wooden stars for it.   Then I discovered this board today at Target and loved it.  It is perfect for our 7 choices and I love the raised line!!! I can have the kids write the choices out with the marker.  (Our choice one, two, salad and sandwich change daily) The magnets are from Target and I saw them at Staples in Jewel tones.


  1. Great project! Seven choices?! That is wild!


  2. That is adorable, and a creative use of a great Target find!

  3. Thank you for stopping by my giveaway and I cannot believe I hadn't come across your blog before!! It is WONDERFUL!!

    I am skeptical on the clothespins too. I just hot glued a tack on the back of a bunch and glittered them (all pinterest inspired). Then, I brought them to school to hang up and although they are staying put in the bulletin board, I don't see them lasting. They seem like they will break easily especially with little hands opening them all the time. Time will tell and then next summer I will be searching for an alternative...sigh.
    Fourth Grade Flipper


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