Saturday, July 6, 2013

I'm Baaacccckkkk!!!!

This year has been a year of many changes and I needed to take something off of my heaping plate and unfortunately it was my blogging.  I just sat down this morning and caught up reading many posts and it just gave me the motivation that I need to get back into the swing of things.  

The year was very challenging and now it is time to do some reflecting and make next year better!!!  I am going to look closely at our new curriculum and the common core.  It was very overwhelming.  This summer I need to organize my materials and resources.  I bought my first Erin Condren Planner.  I can't wait to start using it.  I think this will help my become more organized and keep all my data in one spot.
My plan is to simplify my school and personal life.  Now to make it happen!!!! 


  1. Simplifying is a great goal, and one I need to work on as well! Good luck!

    1. Thanks Mary! I just became a new follower of your blog.

    2. I appreciate that! I'm still trying to figure all this out, but I sure am having fun doing it! I am a recent follower of your blog, but a long-time reader. Thank you for all your great ideas!


  2. Hi Kelly,

    Welcome back! I missed your blog but I'm glad you had some time away to simplify. Good for you!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

    1. Thanks Jennifer! I just became a new follower of your blog!

  3. Love that your back...cannot wait to see what you have in store for us. Feel free to join in on the "Your top 10 Pinterest pin Linky Party" hosted by Upper Grades are Awesome.

    Feel free to follow me at:

    Thanks -

    1. Thanks Melissa! I just became your newest follower.

  4. I'm so glad you are back! I'm moving to fourth grade for the first time, so I can't wait to see what information you have to share!

    1. Thanks for your support Sarah! I just became your newest blog Follower!!!

  5. I have been enjoying my summer and off to Yellowstone for a week!! I guess then I will have to get back to planning and organizing for next year. I'm switching from fourth to third grade. It is very overwhelming to say the least. I also need to simplify my life and try to find time in the school year to exercise each week. It seems that is always the last thing to go and I made lots of excuses last year. My goal this year is to get in four exercise sessions each week.


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