Sunday, December 1, 2013

Edward Tulane is Narcissistic!!!!

My favorite read aloud of the year is the book, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane.   I look forward to reading it every year and I still cry at the sad parts.  I am currently reading it with my fourth graders but this year has been different.  After completing our unit on Greek myths,  my students have been comparing Edward to Narcissus…go Common Core!!!  We have been collecting evidence to show that he is narcissistic or vain.  (I still break out into Carly Simon every time I hear that word.)  I am reading this book with new eyes and so are my students.


  1. Thanks for the book recommendation, I am going to start this with my class as well. Sounds good!

  2. Hi there.
    I was wondering if you wouldn't mind sharing what kinds of resources you were using to teach about greek mythology. Our district will be doing full-fledged common core next year. This year we are trying out many of the new common core items. We do not have many materials for this, so I am interested in what other school are finding helpful.

  3. I love the idea of comparing and contrasting read-alouds to other work! Thanks for sharing.

  4. What a great idea! I always read Edward Tulane as my first read aloud of the year but maybe next year, I will save it for later to see if my students pick up the same things yours did. Thanks for sharing!!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  5. Edward Tulane is my favorite read aloud! I always end up crying the last few pages. We do a character study and how Edward changes over the book... that is after I wipe my tears away! Great book


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