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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Posting Learning Targets

Our school implemented a "push" to post and articulate our learning goals for each lesson this year.  Teaching all subjects, can make planning a very overwhelming task.  I posted my agenda daily on the white board with at least one standard next to each item on our agenda.  I found it easier writing them out then digging through the printed ones that I had made up.  I wish I took a picture of my daily agenda.

Here are a few boards that I like from Pinterest

I found this beneficial for me and my students.  It gave focus to my lessons.  It allowed the students to know what they were going to learn and the outcomes of the lessons.  

I have evidence that posting and talking about learning objectives is helpful.  My students wrote essays about why they deserve to go to fifth grade. (I am changing to fifith grade next year too) A group of the girls got together and wrote an essay about why I deserve to go to fifth grade.   One of their reasons reassured the importance of "Framing their Learning."


  1. I need to think about how I am going to do this, too. We also have to post our lesson frames. I love those pins!
    Simply 2nd Resources

  2. I do have all of my learning targets typed out, but I spent a lot of time trying to hunt down the ones I needed. I think next year I will post the typed ones by unit and write the ones for the day on the focus wall. I love the note from your girls! That is the type of thing that makes all of our hard work well worth it! Good luck getting ready for fifth grade!

    Fit to be Fourth


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