Many of the primary teachers at my school were buzzing all last year about the Daily Five and The Cafe. I bought both books at the beginning of the summer and read them...some parts many times. I really could relate to the sisters books and my teaching experience. I want to make reading "fun" for my children and instill that love of reading that is working in their classrooms. I was tired of DEAR time being five trips to the book corner and many children never really reading anything. The authors have come up with a management system that teaches children how to become independent readers.

I was very excited and nervous about implementing this in my classroom. I was starting a new grade level for the first in 19 years and had to learn a brand new curriculum. I made the decision to "JUST DO IT!" I started on Day 1 and have introduced Read to Self, Read to Someone, Writing and Listening to Stories. Being in a fourth grade classroom, they had no problems building their stamina. The only area that I have not introduced is Word Work, but will incorporate that into my schedule soon with the focus on synonyms, antonyms, word parts, vocabulary, etc.
The children are loving it and picked up the Daily Five routine quickly. While the children are doing the Daily Five, I have been completing my Reading assessments and will start my small groups and conferences this week. I have been doing many mini-lessons that are becoming part of my cafe. Here are pictures from my classroom of my CAFE board and my students actively participating in the daily five.
I was fortunate to attend a workshop in Rockland, Maine yesterday that was put on by the authors of The Daily Five and The Cafe, Gail Boushey and Joan Moser. They were amazing and worth every penny! I got to speak to Gail personally...I had my camera and forgot to take pictures. I can't wait to try some of their new ideas. During the workshop, I felt like I was at the Oprah Show....they gave everyone many of their favorite things throughout the day. I had many "Aha" moments during the day. I will definitely sign up for The Cafe next year.
Here are a few of my favorite links: