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Monday, February 9, 2015

Why Moby Max? Give Away

Why Should I Use Moby Max in my classroom?

Meeting the needs of all our math students can be one of the most challenging parts of our jobs.  This year I have been using Moby Max to help with this problem.  I am a fifth grade math & science teacher at a middle school.  My school system has been using this program districtwide for grades K-6 for the past two years.  It has so much to offer!

I have a wide range of students performing at different levels.  When students are completed their classwork they log into their Moby Max accounts and work at their performance level.  My students all have chrome books which is helpful.  There is a built in placement level test.  This is a benefit for the high, average and struggling math student.  Teachers can also assign specific skills/lessons for classwork or homework.  There is a fact fluency, number sense and math area.

I love that I can access my student's progress and monitor their progress.  I can also check to see how much time they have spent on Moby Max.  There are videos for students to watch and feedback given.  Students earn game time by time spent on math practice.

Students, parents and teachers can access Moby Max at home and school.  (Great for parents who want ways to help their kids at home and no extra work for the teacher)

There are so many areas that I have not used.   I am planning a contest called March Math Madness and want to challenge each student 10 minutes of Moby Max a day or 310 minutes total by the end of the month. (I am going to reward them with some basketball in gym) I also want to try out the state test prep.

Moby Max is a complete curriculum for grades K-8.  Please visit the website to see all that it has to offer you and your students.  

Moby Max has offered to donate a one year professional license for one lucky teacher and classroom.  You can enter below: 

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