Welcome to Where I Teach
You will see many Pinterest inspired projects in my room.
My new lunch chart and check-in station.
A couple views from the door.

I use rotating jobs(Teaching Oasis) and here is a handy way to get organized.
Some writing materials and Partner Poetry Books.

Student's cubbies(Hope King) and soon to be Word Wall.
Bucket Fillers and Birthday iPods(Bubbly Blonde)
Here is a work station for an extra teacher in the room.

My listening center and book theme bulletin board(Beth Newingham)
My remodeled book corner.
My collection of chapter books.
The black crates are picture books and the rest are popular authors and genres.
The CAFE board(Ladybug Teacher Files) and handy materials.
A book display and Author's Purpose.
Here is My Calendar before and an after.
Math Tool Kits and Manipulatives for easy access.
Social Studies board at the end of the year and materials.
Science bulletin board(Ladybug Teacher Files) and Word Work table.
My writing center(Teacher's Wife) with many resources.
Some of my favorite projects!
A couple of different views of my room.
Happy School Year!!!
{if you want to link up too, just right click the picture and save it to your computer}